HOW TO stay fit as well as healthy ON THE road

Last Updated: 2/2/2020 | February 2nd, 2020

I’m not a healthy guy. OK, I am a very healthy guy when I am home in my apartment with my juicer, kitchen, as well as nearby whole Foods. On the road, it’s one more story.

Even with the high expectations as well as goals I set for myself a few years ago, I’ve failed at maintaining a healthier lifestyle on the road. While I make more health-conscious decisions, I still go out too much, never sleep, as well as stuff my face with pizza since it is convenient.

To try to modification that, I met up with my friend Steve Kamb, the legend behind Nerd Fitness, a site dedicated to helping nerds stay fit. Steve travels a lot too as well as he knows how to balance life on the road with staying in shape.

We sat down together to talk about all things fitness as well as travel. here are Steve’s top tips for staying healthy as well as in shape while traveling.

My interview with Steve

For more travel as well as fitness advice, here’s an interview with Steve I did a few years ago. It’s full of helpful tips as well as advice as well as expands on many of the points above.

If you really want to learn how to stay in shape (both at home as well as abroad), watch this video!

7 tips for staying In shape While Traveling

1. Make healthy Living on the road a Priority!
Yes, you DO have time to exercise; you just need to make time for it. You can total a workout in 20 minutes in your hotel room or hostel using fundamental exercises — as well as you don’t need any type of equipment!

Here are some simple as well as efficient exercises you can do in your hotel, hostel, or even just a nearby park:

Jumping jacks







Even just 5 minutes of these exercises will have you sweating. as well as you can literally do these exercises anywhere too. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

2. walking for the Win!
Do whatever you can to walk as often as possible. There’s no much better way to check out a city than on foot. You get to take in a lot more of the local life as well as it’s much easier to get away from the crowds this way. Plus, it’s cheaper than taking a taxi or paying for a bus ticket.

If just exploring at random isn’t exciting, sign up for a walking tour. most cities will offer free walking tours that usually last between 1-3 hours. Not only will you get an insightful introduction to your location however you’ll get in a lot of steps too!

3. Playgrounds as well as Parks
Check Google Maps for a nearby park as well as walk over there for your workouts. many parks have devices you can use to work out with, though if they don’t you can do pull-ups on swing sets or tree branches. seja criativo!

Also, check websites like for regular workout groups. most cities have running clubs that host weekly runs, yoga sessions in the park, tai chi, as well as other sports/activities. check around to see if there is anything nearby that piques your interest as well as will help you stay active.

Don’t be afraid to try new things, either! Plogging (jogging as well as picking up trash), slacklining, tumbling, parkour — there are tons of unique options to be found if you spend a little time looking.

4. diet plan is 80% of the Battle
As a budget plan traveler, chances are you’re working hard to lower your food budget. That likely means that you’re not eating well. think about upping your food budget plan (even slightly) so you can eat healthier.

Get some protein as well as veggies in your diet! Don’t be afraid to do a healthy “family dinner” with hostel mates where you all split the cost. You can likewise try altering up your diet plan to much better suit the local options. That way, you’ll be eating more fresh produce while supporting the local economy.

You can likewise make more drastic changes to your diet plan as well. It’s never been easier to travel with a plant-based diet plan as well as still stay healthy as well as energetic.

That doesn’t mean you need to cut out all the junk or affordable drinks. however your diet plan is the most important element when it comes to health as well as fitness. invest in it!

5. Do the best You Can
If you only have 10 minutes to exercise, exercise for 10 minutes! Every little bit adds up, as well as 10 minutes is much better than nothing. If you have to eat poorly at the train station, make up for it the next day.

At the end of the day, it’s all about progress. Not perfection. Faça o seu melhor. Lay the groundwork for much better habits. nothing happens overnight, however every step in the right direction will help you reach your goal.

6. Employ the “Never 2” rule
If you miss a day of exercise for whatever reason, don’t enable yourself to miss two days in a row. If you eat one poor meal, that next meal should be healthy. never two in a row.

By employing the “Never 2” rule you’ll be able to prevent poor habits from taking hold. The odd dayOFF ou trapaceiro refeição? Sem problemas. No entanto, quando se trata de permanecer em forma, a consistência é fundamental. Tente manter seu impulso. Você verá resultados muito mais rápidos dessa maneira, o que o motivará a permanecer no caminho certo.

7. Divirta -se!
Não tenha medo de ter tarde da noite com amigos ou dizer sim a aventuras loucas. Afinal, é por isso que viajamos!

Apenas certifique -se de voltar aos trilhos o mais rápido possível depois, para não perder o momento que construiu. Embora possa parecer desafiador equilibrar diversão e fitness, é preciso apenas um pouco de prática e esforço. Depois de obter o hábito no lugar, você se perguntará por que não começou mais cedo!

Para obter mais dicas de fitness e informações, consulte o NERD Fitness. É um ótimo recurso para os viajantes e não-viajantes que querem ficar em forma e se divertir!

Como viajar pelo mundo por US $ 50 por dia

Meu guia de brochura mais vendido do New York Times para viagens mundiais ensinará como dominar a arte da viagem para que você saia do caminho batido, economize dinheiro e, além de ter uma experiência de viagem mais profunda. É o seu guia de planejamento A a Z que a BBC chamou de “Bíblia para viajantes do Plano de Orçamento”.

Clique aqui para saber mais e comece a lê -lo hoje!

Reserve sua viagem: Dicas logísticas e truques
Reserve seu voo
Encontre um voo acessível usando o Skyscanner. É o meu mecanismo de pesquisa preferido, pois pesquisa sites e companhias aéreas ao redor do mundo, para que você sempre saiba que nenhuma pedra é deixada sobre o uso.

Reserve sua acomodação
Você pode reservar seu albergue com o Hostelworld. Se você quiser ficar em algum lugar que não seja um albergue, use o, pois eles consistentemente retornam as taxas mais baratas para as pousadas e os hotéis.

Não esqueça o seguro de viagem
O seguro de viagem o protegerá contra doenças, lesões, roubo e cancelamentos. É uma proteção abrangente na situação que tudo dá errado. Eu nunca viajo sem ele, pois tive que usá -lo muitas vezes no passado. Minhas empresas preferidas que oferecem o melhor serviço e o valor são:

Segurança (melhor para todos)

Assegure minha viagem (para aqueles com mais de 70 anos)

Medjet (para cobertura extra de evacuação)

Pronto para reservar sua viagem?
Confira minha página de recursos para as melhores empresas usarem quando você viajar. Eu listo todos os que uso quando viajo. Eles são os melhores da aula, assim como você não pode errar usando -os em sua viagem.

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